Simulation and Projects - Overview
Presenter: Ms Bronwyn Rust-Jones
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Duration: 1 Day | Price: $990
Course Aim
The Simulation and Projects - Overview course provides attendees with an understanding of the underlying concepts and theory of simulation, and an introduction to the use of simulation for gaining insight/ supporting decision making in system acquisition. The course places simulation in the context of the other related disciplines involved in the delivery of technical projects and the system life cycle, particularly in the context of capability management, systems engineering, and Defence project and product management. The course also introduces the issues associated with acquiring simulation systems (as distinct from other system types). Issues related to simulation management and practical usage are identified.
Systems are typically delivered through the efforts of a project by an enterprise or business using the expertise of different specialist domains. The course is ideally suited to those expected to be involved in decision making over the life cycle of the system, particularly those relatively new to program, project and product management, from Defence, other government agencies, and defence industry.
Course Outline
Context - Simulation and Projects – Overview
Organisations, Enterprises, and the Use of Simulation | What is a project? | What is a system? | System life cycle |
Introduction to Simulation
Definitions | What is Simulation? | The Roles of Simulation | Benefits of Simulation
Simulation Theory and Methods
Simulation - Models that Vary Over Time (Discrete Event Simulation, Stochastic Simulation, System Dynamics) | Human Interaction with Simulation | Verification, Validation and Accreditation
Simulation Usage Across Life Cycle Phases
Sim during Conceptual Design | Sim during Preliminary Design and Detailed Design and Development | Sim during Construction & Production | Sim during Utilization | Sim during Retirement/Disposal | Acquiring Simulation Systems
Simulation Management
Professional Organisations | Distributed Simulation and Interoperability | Standards | When to Use Simulation | Issues in Simulation Support for Acquisition
Course Material
The following resources will be provided to attendees of this course:
A PDF copy of the PowerPoint presentations used for the course.
Solutions to the exercises undertaken throughout the course.