Level 1 Laser Safety Course – Five-Day
Presenter: Dr Trevor Wheatley
Click Register to view available course delivery modes (virtual/face-to-face), dates, and locations.
The registration page allows you to register individually or to register groups of up to 15.
Duration: 5 Days | Price: $4,950
Course Aim
The aim of this Level 1 Laser Safety Course is to provide an intermediate quantitative level of understanding of the principles of laser safety practice to meet the needs of Australian/International standards for a laser safety officer or Defence level 1 laser safety officer (LSO1). The first day is our Level 2 One-Day Intensive/Refresher course. Days 2-5 then build on this knowledge with a more detailed coverage of the key properties, including mathematical descriptions, of lasers and laser beams. Then, through a series of presentations, worked examples followed by tutorial problems this course then gives a more comprehensive quantitative coverage laser safety practice and use of laser safety standards.
There is now only one option for registration to gain or regain the Level 1 Laser Safety qualification, see “Which laser safety course should I do?” if you are unsure which course to do.
Course Outline
Day 1: Level 2 Laser Safety Course – One-Day Intensive/Refresher.
Level 2 Intensive/Refresher Course: This compressed version of the Level 2 Laser Safety Course provides a non-mathematical treatment of lasers and laser hazards. This course also provides the background necessary for the more detailed and quantitative coverage given in days two to five of this course.
Day 2-5: Level 1 Laser Safety Course:
Laser properties: Spatial modes, near and far field concepts, beam propagation models and calculations | Laser beam through aperture coupling models and calculations | Power, energy, divergence, solid angle, irradiance, and radiant exposure concepts.
Hazard analysis principle and practice: a more comprehensive coverage laser safety standards including quantifying hazardous exposure definitions.
MPE Calculations: calculation of maximum permissible exposure (MPE) levels for continuous wave (CW) and pulsed lasers.
Hazard distances calculations: Using MPEs for quantitative hazard evaluation, including various permutations of Nominal Ocular/Skin Hazard Distances (NOHD & NSHD) and evaluation of specular reflection hazard distance for CW and pulsed lasers | Extended NOHD/NSHD for telescopic optics | Reduced NOHD/NSHD with filters or atmospheric attenuation.
Other hazard calculations and safety evaluations: specification of the required optical density (OD) for laser protective eyewear or guarding | Extended source discussion and diffuse reflection hazard calculations | Establishing the laser hazard area and plotting of a laser hazard area template.
Classification: Coverage of classification principles and rules stated in the product safety standard | Evaluation of the Accessible Emission Limit (AEL) for CW and pulsed lasers | AS/NZS IEC 60825 rules for hazard classification assignment and establishing calculated/measured accessible emission levels | Hazard classification assignment for CW and pulses lasers of single and multiple wavelengths.
Trial examination and discussions: A take home practice examination is provided for self-evaluation of proficiency and identification of doubtful areas before the course examination | Trail exam solutions are worked in class with time for self-reflection and questions prior to commencement of examination
Level 1 examination: An open book examination is provided for those participants and/ or their sponsors to confirm their proficiency in the material covered the Friday after the course (or later if nominated). Thus, a certificate indicating attendance at the course (but no qualification) or, if a passing mark is achieved, successful completion of the course will be provided. One Level 1 re-examination is included in the course cost.
Course Material
The following resources will be provided to attendees of this course:
Course notes will be provided (printed and online).