Introduction to Defence
Presenters: Dr Shari Soutberg & Dr Mike Ryan
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The registration page allows you to register individually or to register groups of up to 15.
Duration: 1 Day | Price: $990
Course Aim
This one-day Introduction to Defence course is aimed at those who are new to the provision of services and consultancy to the Australian Department of Defence with the intent of providing the background knowledge necessary to work effectively within the Department on first appointment in a capability management role. The course introduces the background and history of the Department and the Australian Defence Force and provides an overview of its structure and organisation including each of the twelve Groups and three Services. The legislative, regulatory, policy and management context within which Defence operates is described. Importantly, expected Defence and Public Service behaviours and responsibilities are outlined. Focus is then on the Defence capability management processes and activities that lead to the expenditure of approximately $30billion annually on the acquisition and sustainment of military equipment. Finally, the course introduces the role of defence industry in supporting Defence capability.
Course Outline
Introduction to the Department: Background and History | Overview of Department / Structure / Organisation / Budget | Key Senior Personnel
Defence Groups: Associate Secretary Organisation | Strategic, Policy and Industry Group | Defence Intelligence Group | Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group (CASG) |Chief Information Officer Group | Defence Finance Group | Defence People Group | Security and Estate Group | Defence Science and Technology Group | Vice Chief of the Defence Force (VCDF) Organisation | Joint Capabilities Group | Joint Operations Command
The Services: Royal Australian Navy (RAN) | Australian Army | Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) | Service Ranks, Traditions and Customs
Defence as a Public Service Department: Legislative, Regulatory, Policy and Management Context | Behaviours | Defence and Government Decision Making | Responsibilities and Accountabilities
Defence Capability Management: Overview | Key Underpinning Concepts | Capability Development Frameworks | Capability Roles and Relationships | Capability Management Process and Life Cycle | Supporting Professional Practices | Capability Management Artefacts
Role of Industry in Supporting Defence: Industry Roles | Industry as an Input to Capability | Above and Below the Line | Rules of Industry Engagement | Probity | Defence Industry Characteristics | Defence Industry Policy Program
Course Material
The following resources will be provided to attendees of this course:
A PDF copy of the PowerPoint presentations used for the course.